Police Referrals

Through a partnership between a network of service providers and the Queensland Police Service, community members particularly those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged are being connected with appropriate and targeted services. This system enables you to receive and manage police referrals as outlined in your Partnership Agreement.


This database contains private and confidential information. Access to this information is subject to State and Federal privacy legislation. Only authorised persons should access this database.

You should not give your username and password to any other person. Please keep your password secret. All access to this application is logged and is subject to regular audits.


Do I need to upgrade my web browser?

If you use Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) and below you will not be able to use SRS. The most current version of Internet Explorer is now Version 11. The Admin > About tab in SRS will tell you which browser you are currently using. For help to update your web browser please follow the link http://srs-support.infoxchangeapps.net.au/updating-your-browser

Need help using Police Referrals system?

For support regarding the Police Referrals process and the content of Police Referrals, please contact Queensland Police Referral Coordination Service: Phone 1300 058 910 (Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm) or email rmcs@redbourne.com.au

A 'how to' guide on Police Referrals is available here.